Capital: Tórshavn (on Strómó/Streymoy?)
Streymoy, Vágar, Sandoy, Suderoy
The narrative 'Navigatio Sancti Brendani' (purported to be written
by St Brendan/Brénaind about his voyages in AD 560-7) mentions
the 'Island of Sheep' which may be the Faroe Islands. Abbot Dicuil
also mentions them in his 'De Mensura Orbis Terrae' of AD 825
and describes them as 'full of innumerable sheep and many different
kinds of sea birds'. He also says that Irish monks had lived there
for almost a century but had left because of the Norse pirates.
The first phase of cultivation ran from about AD 600 to 700 and
was possibly Celtic but the Norse settlement gathered strength
in the C8th and C9th due to the rising population in Western Norway.
The Faroese language is closely related to the C15th Middle Norwegian
dialects of the West coast of Norway and to Icelandic, although
there are some Celtic borrowings, and Christianity introduced
more foreign influences, especially English.
By the end of the C13th the population reached about 4000 and
remained steady for some centuries. The Church gained influence
during the medieval period and most of the land belonged to it,
the combined Danish/Norwegian crown or important Norwegian families.
Dutch and Hanseatic league merchants were rivals for trading rights
and at one point the Danes offered to sell the islands to Henry
VIII but he refused and the fiefdom was granted to the Hamburg
merchants Thomas Koppen and Joachim Wullenwebber.
In 1536 the Norwegian state council was dissolved and the Faroes
became a province of Denmark. Danish replaced Latin as the Church
language during the Reformation and had to be used for court records
even if everybody involved spoke Faroese. Political and economic
power was now in the control of the King in Copenhagen and in
1619 Faroese trade was moved there from Bergen. In 1661 the islands
were given 'in feu' to Christopher Gabel who had absolute power
over them. He and his son, Frederik, who succeeded him, used the
title of 'Governor' and treated the islanders cruelly. When Frederik
Gabel died a royal commission was sent and King Frederik IV took
over the trade monopoly. From 1701 to 1865 trade was organised
to help the people not private interests and corruption ended
but there was little trade between islands. Until branches of
the Trade Monopoly opened on other islands in the 1830s distant
islanders, especially those of Suðuroy, suffered starvation
if the weather prevented them from getting to Tórshavn.
When the Union of Norway and Denmark was dissolved in 1814, the
Faroes remained with Denmark but were under Norwegian laws until
Danish ones were adopted by 1849. The Løgting, one of the
world's oldest parliaments, was re-established in a mostly advisory
capacity in 1852 and after the Trade Monopoly ended in 1856 changes
began. After a meeting of the Løgting in 1888 the Føringafelag
was founded to help save the language, although it later became
political. The Sambansflokkur (Union Party) was founded in 1906
to stop Jóannes Paturson's move for home rule and he retaliated
with the Sjálvstýrisflokkur (Self Rule Party). Føroya
Javnaðurflokkur (moderate social democrats) came in 1927 and
Paturson's breakaway movement, Fólkaflokkur, in 1939.
German occupation during WWII was prevented by Britain which did
not interfere in government and virtual home rule was established.
In the 1946 referendum, 5650 voted for independence against 5500
for the Union and the Lógting accepted this but Denmark
called a new election which resulted in increased independence
within the Union under the Faroese Home Rule Act of 1948. A new
party wanting total independence, the Tjóðveldisflokkur,
was formed, and a sixth, middle of the road, party in 1954. The
Lógting sends two representatives to the Danish parliament
and can reject Danish laws. It is responsible for most government
matters although the police force is Danish-controlled and Danish
must still be taught in schools.
In the C19th scholars worked to preserve their language with a written form based on Old Norse being worked out by Venceslaus Ulricus Hammershaimb and the Icelander Jón Sigurdsson in 1846. Some attempts were made to introduce spellings more representative of the dialects actually spoken but these were so numerous that the standard forms were retained. Compulsory education in Danish was introduced in 1846 but was so strongly opposed that it was withdrawn in 1854, leading to a century of dispute as to the most suitable medium. A law was passed to make it Danish in 1912 but Faroese was at last made the official school language in 1938. It was used in churches as early as 1902, the translation of the New Testament came in 1937, and the complete Bible and hymnbook in 1961. The Home Rule Act of 1948 made Faroese the principle language but stated that Danish should have equal importance in public affairs which caused some opposition. Danish remains the court language and the laws of the Løgting are in parallel texts.
Absalon | Aksel | Amariel | Ámund | Andreas | Andrias |
Asbjørn | Bárður | Bent | Bjarni | Carli | Christian |
Dávur | Díðrikur | Elias | Erlendur | Eyðun | Eyvindur |
Frants | Frantz | Fríðrikur | Fridtjof | Frimod | Froði |
Grímur | Gunnar | Guttormur | Hans | Hanus | Havgrímur |
Heðin | Heini | Heinrikur | Hendrik | Høgni | Holm |
Ingálvur | Jakob | Jákup | Janus | Jenis | Jens |
Jógvan | Jóhannes | Jón | Jorgen | Karsten | Kaspar |
Ketil | Kjeld | Klæmint | Kristin | Kristoffer | Lavar |
Lucas | Mads | Marius | Martin | Mikkjal | Niels |
Niklas | Nis | Olavur | Ólavur | Oli | Oliver |
Olivur | Páll | Pauli | Peder | Peter | Poul |
Rádni | Rasmus | Regin | Rikard | Rói | Sámal |
Sámalias | Severin | Símun | Snæbjorn | Sofús | Steffan |
Steinbjørn | Steintór | Sunleif | Sverri | Torbjørn | Torkil |
Torkjell | Tórolvur | Tórstein | Tróndur | Tummas | Ulf |
Ulricus | Valdemar | Vegarin | Venceslaus | William | Zacharias |
Anna | Annika | Arnleyg | Astrid | Barbara | Beinta |
Bendte | Birna | Børge | Christina | Elinborg | Frida |
Gæsa | Guðrun | Gunnhild | Hansina | Henriette | Inga |
Johanna | Katrin | Katrina | Kirstine | Lív | Malena |
Maria | Marianna | Marin | Marjun | Mette | Oddvør |
Oliva | Olúva | Poulina | Rachel | Ragnhild | Rannvá |
Ruth | Sanna | Sunniva | Tina |
It is common to use a placename preceded by 'í' - in, 'á' - at or 'av' - from in order to distinguish between the many Danish surnames ending in '-sen' - son.
Aagard | Andreassen | Arge | Arrheboe | Bærentsen | Barthel |
Blak | Bleken | Boman | Bóndi | Børresen | Broberg |
Bronck | Dahl | Danielsen | Danjalsson | Debes | Djurhuus |
Effersøe | Eidesgaard | Evensen | Finsen | Ganting | Glerfoss |
Gulbranson | Hammershaimb | Hansen | Haraldsen | Hátun | Heinesen |
Høgnesen | Holdremyr | Hoydal | Isaksen | Jakobsen | Jákupsson |
Jensen | Joensen | Jóhansen | Justinussen | Kamban | Kielberg |
Knudsen | Krogh | Kruse | Landt | Lisberg | Long |
Lützen | Lyngbye | Matras | Mikines | Mikkelsen | Mohr |
Nansen | Niclasen | Nielsen | Nolsøe | Nólsoy | Ólavsson |
Olsen | Patursson | Petersen | Pløyen | Poulsen | Rasmussen |
Reginsson | Reinert | Restorff | Rønne | Rønning | Rosenmeyer |
Ryberg | Schrøter | Sørensen | Taalle | Thomsen | Torfasen |
Marra - a female demon
Return to Scandinavian Names index
This collection of names compiled by Kate Monk. Copyright January
1997, Kate Monk. Last updated February, 98. Copies may be made
for personal use only.